A Newer Kind of Therapy
We have discussed prescription treatments as well as chemical peels, and now we turn to a different type of acne treatment, that of heat therapy. Some popular names include ThermaClear™ and No! No! Skin™, but do they actually work? Let’s take a deeper look.
Radiofrequency Treatment
This treatment, conducted by a skin care dermatologist, uses heat as a way to plump up the skin and they claim it helps to reverse the signs of aging of the patient. Keep in mind, however, that this sort of treatment is expensive and any results are inconclusive.
The other form of “heat” therapy follows the belief that a blue light is used to irradiate bacteria, without actually heating the skin, while a red-light treatment reduces the production of sebum, an oily substance secreted from the sebaceous glands, also not giving off any heat.
The claim that the heat causes bacteria to be killed off simply cannot happen in the case that the light doesn’t actually produce enough heat to be true. If it could be proven that the bacteria that causes acne to be more prevalent in an individual was killed off, it might be a viable treatment, but as of right now, the studies are unclear.
The Process
Essentially, the dermatologist uses a hand-held device, what is referred to as heat therapy, in order to shrink the pimples or other acne on the skin. But in truth while it may help shrink a pimple, any shrinkage caused to a blackhead or whitehead will actually make them harder to remove as the skin has now also shrunk.
This treatment is also believed to prevent moles, ingrown hairs, insect bites, cysts or nodules from healing properly. Plus, if you suffer from rosacea, the condition may become much worse. Red spots from previously healed acne may linger for longer periods of time.
You are likely to get better results from using a proper skin care regime, one that includes daily cleansing and helping to keep your pores clean. Some skin care treatments can also help to remove or at the very least reduce discolorations of the skin.
If you suffer from scars you may want to consider microdermabrasion, a non-surgical cosmetic procedure which can even be performed by an esthetician, to smooth out the skin. In combination with probiotics any inflammation can be reduced, and overall your skin will appear clearer.
These devices give the impression that they help heal acne by riding the skin of acne bacteria. They claim to be effective on mild cases of acne but don’t have a preemptive effect on acne. Currently, any studies that have been conducted on these devices has inconclusive results and more research is needed.