find causes and treatments for adults acne.

Adult Acne

In truth, adults can also develop acne, whether they are 30-something, 40-something, or even 50-something. The name that dermatologists call this is, adult-onset acne. Women have a higher chance of developing this particular type of acne, it often occurs during menopause, but there can be other reasons, such as:


Women’s hormones fluctuate during a variety of times throughout their lives, such as during their menstrual cycle, pregnancy, peri-menopause, and menopause. It should also be noted that if a woman was previously taking birth control pills or another form of hormonal birth control and then she stops this can also affect her hormones and therefore acne can be the result.


If someone in the individual’s family had acne, the related person may also develop this condition as a teenager, and also as an adult


Adults have a lot of responsibilities, money, jobs, and family, to name a few, as a result, stress and anxiety are common factors. When an individual becomes stressed they may produce more hormones, specifically androgens, which in turn, stimulate more oil to be produced and the pores become clogged, thus acne develops.

Skin Care Regime

Sometimes face wash, shampoo, or other beauty products we use can result in our skin breaking out. To help prevent this, try to use products that are non-acnegenic, non-comedogenic, and are oil-free. Be sure to always read the labels first before you use them on your skin or hair.

Side Effects from Prescriptions

Unfortunately, sometimes a medication we are told to take has side effects, which can include that of acne. If you think that this is the case with one of your prescriptions try talking with your healthcare provider and see if there is an alternative medication. If you cannot change, a dermatologist may be the next doctor on your list to see.

More Serious Condition

If your acne persists, it is always advisable to talk with your healthcare provider, the acne could be the sign of something worse. Once the other condition is treated the acne should clear up.

The Condition

When we are teens we call it Acne Vulgaris, common acne, but that doesn’t mean that adults don’t also develop it, as we have previously discovered. The director of clinal research, Doctor Jeffery Weinberg, at St. Luke’s – Roosevelt Hospital Center, believes that adult acne is actually more common than we believe.
He believes that it can be recognized as Acne Vulgaris or even as Acne Rosacea. When we hear the word “acne” we often think of a pimple, that which doctors refer to as a comedo. When a pore or a hair duct is clogged with oil, debris of dead skin cells, or even keratin.

When the clogged pore has not been exposed to air it is known as a whitehead, but when the oil has become exposed to the outside air, we refer to it as a blackhead. Whiteheads frequently cause ruptures in the hair duct to occur, and thus the inflicted individual also suffers from inflammation, infection, cysts, pustule, papules, and nodules.

Interestingly enough, although males are more likely to scar from acne, females are more probable to suffer from adult acne. Acne is typically caused by a variety of influences, such as fluctuating hormonal levels, excessive oil in the skin, pores and hair ducts absorbing excess oil, and genetics. It is important to not excessively scrub the skin, lest you aggravate it.

How to Treat Acne

Many acne sufferers have chosen at one point or another to squeeze or pop the acne on their face, but often popping a pimple results in infecting the surrounding area and causing scarring. If this treatment is done in a doctor’s office, known as acne surgery, the result is much cleaner. The acne is less likely to spread due to the sterile equipment and won’t cause scarring or infections as a home solution may cause.